About Me
Getting Help With My Back

Up until a few years ago, I thought that back problems were all made up. It seemed like the people who suffered from injuries were still pretty mobile for having a "debilitating" back injury. However, that was before I hurt my own back. One morning, I woke up and I couldn't even move. It was an absolutely grueling recovery, and one that I would never wish upon my worst enemy. However, through physical therapy and weight loss, I was able to regain my life. On my blog, you will learn more about back therapies, chiropractic care, and corrective surgeries so that you understand your options if you are hurt.

How Can You Successfully—and Naturally—Reduce Chronic Anxiety?

22 January 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If fairly routine situations or events can be enough to send you into a tailspin of anxious thoughts, fears, or actions, you aren't alone—it's believed that nearly one in three American adults struggles with some type of anxiety disorder. Despite the negative effects this disorder may wreak on your daily life and relationships, you might be reluctant to utilize medications to reduce the symptoms of your anxiety for fear of developing a dependence on these chemicals in order to function. Read More …

The 101 On TMJ Relief: Unique Solutions To Treat Your Temporomandibular Disorder

11 August 2015
 Categories: , Articles

From difficulty chewing and yawning to overall pain and discomfort, temporomandibular disorder can be an overwhelming issue that requires treatment. Known as TMJ, this clicking, popping, and pain in the temporomandibular joint affects an estimated 10 million Americans. Although treatment commonly focuses on orthodontic care, patients with TMJ can find relief in a more holistic manner. While surprising to hear, relieving the symptoms of your TMJ is possible without invasive, orthodontic treatments. Read More …

Back Pain Causing Writer’s Block? 3 Natural Back Pain Relievers For Writers

11 August 2015
 Categories: , Articles

Sitting at a desk or over a laptop to write can be stressful. From lack of work and meeting deadlines to the dreaded writer's block, it is easy to see the stressful nature of being a writer. Unfortunately, you may not be placing enough care into your health and wellness. Considering an estimated 31 million Americans suffer with a form of lower back pain, you may also develop this pain due to stress and writing at your desk. Read More …

Five Non-Surgical Methods For Treating Lower Back Pain

30 July 2015
 Categories: , Articles

There are several ways to effectively treat lower back pain, although you should begin with a professional diagnosis from a physician. Once you've been examined and diagnosed, your doctor may recommend a treatment plan. This may include losing weight and maintaining good posture and ergonomics, as well as the use of pain medication and hot and cold applications. Physical therapy and exercise may also be beneficial. Here are some treatment methods to relieve your lower back pain: Read More …

2 Reasons Your Chiropractor May Refer You to a Medical Doctor After Trauma

24 July 2015
 Categories: , Articles

Many people seek help from a chiropractor after they suffer a trauma which causes them to have neck or back pain. However, sometimes, an appointment with a medical doctor is still necessary. There may be injuries or conditions that can actually worsen with the wrong chiropractic treatment. For this reason, chiropractors need to assess the medical history and know all the symptoms a patient is experiencing prior to developing a treatment plan. Read More …