How Can You Successfully—and Naturally—Reduce Chronic Anxiety?

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Up until a few years ago, I thought that back problems were all made up. It seemed like the people who suffered from injuries were still pretty mobile for having a "debilitating" back injury. However, that was before I hurt my own back. One morning, I woke up and I couldn't even move. It was an absolutely grueling recovery, and one that I would never wish upon my worst enemy. However, through physical therapy and weight loss, I was able to regain my life. On my blog, you will learn more about back therapies, chiropractic care, and corrective surgeries so that you understand your options if you are hurt.

How Can You Successfully—and Naturally—Reduce Chronic Anxiety?

22 January 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If fairly routine situations or events can be enough to send you into a tailspin of anxious thoughts, fears, or actions, you aren't alone—it's believed that nearly one in three American adults struggles with some type of anxiety disorder. Despite the negative effects this disorder may wreak on your daily life and relationships, you might be reluctant to utilize medications to reduce the symptoms of your anxiety for fear of developing a dependence on these chemicals in order to function. Read on for several ways to help treat your anxiety without the use of medication.

Chiropractic adjustments 

Although you may associate chiropractic adjustments with the management of back or other joint pain, chiropractic treatment can also tackle a number of other physical and mental ailments—everything from irritable bowel syndrome to depression and anxiety.

During a chiropractic adjustment, the chiropractor will first consult with you to determine your treatment goals and any specific medical issues that may be remedied (or aggravated) by the manipulation of your spine and other joints. You'll then lie down on a comfortable table while the chiropractor gently palpates your back and manipulates any misaligned joints or vertebrae into place. 

Although it's unclear exactly what makes chiropractic treatment so effective for anxiety, there are a few possible explanations. One is that the relaxing and therapeutic nature of many chiropractors' offices is enough to calm high-running emotions and bring a feeling of inner peace, even absent any biological or chemical changes in how your brain processes anxiety. Another explanation is that many of the symptoms you feel when going through an anxiety attack—like chest pressure, trouble breathing, or lightheadedness—can also be caused by a pinched or pressed nerve that can be remedied through a quick adjustment. Finally, some medical professionals believe that chiropractic treatment helps release certain mood-adjusting hormones that can minimize any anxiety symptoms for hours or even days after treatment. Contact a representative from an establishment like University Physical Medicine for more information.


Another popular "alternative" therapy is acupuncture. Like chiropractic treatment, it can help tackle anxiety problems from several different angles—from the release of dopamine and serotonin upon the placement of hair-thin acupuncture needles to the relaxation of the environment itself. Acupuncture can also help treat some of the physical side effects of anxiety, like muscle tension, headaches, and clenched teeth. 

During an acupuncture session, you'll be placed in a quiet room to relax. Your acupuncturist will then come in to discuss your treatment plan, especially if you're a first-time patient—it's important to ensure that you're calm and comfortable with each of the placement sites. While these needles can look intimidating, few find them painful or even uncomfortable; in fact, most acupuncture users describe the insertion of the needles as a warm or tingling sensation. 

Deep-tissue massage

Anxiety can often be a self-perpetuating cycle, particularly when it begins to cause physical pain or discomfort. Constant mental stress can cause you to unconsciously tense up, clench your jaw, and tighten your muscles. Over time, this leads to muscle stiffness and can even decrease your flexibility and range of motion. These physical manifestations can cause you to feel even more anxious, which further exacerbates your discomfort.

Deep tissue massage can help break this cycle. By kneading out knots in tense muscles (including those in your face and neck), a massage therapist can help restore your body to homeostasis. By taking advantage of other ways to reduce your mental anxiety (like meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, or chiropractic or acupuncture treatment) and getting the occasional deep-tissue massage, you should notice a significant reduction in both the physical and mental manifestations of your condition.